Lower dentition of plesiodimyline dimylids from the Middle Badenian deposits of the Devínska Nová Ves-Fisures site (MN 6) in Slovakia. 1, 3-5: Plesiodimylus similis sp. nov. – 1. left hemimandible with c-m2 of young animal in occlusal and lateral view (No. 733921, holotype); 3. fragment of the right mandible with p1, p2, p4 and m1 of adult animal in occlusal and lateral view (No. 733933, invert.); 4. fragment of the left mandible with p4 and m1 of young adult animal in occlusal and lateral view (No. 733958); 5. fragment of the left hemimandible with m1 and m2 of young animal in occlusal and lateral view (No. 733930). 2: Plesiodimylus chantrei – fragment of the left hemimandible with dc, dp1-dp4, and m1 of juvenile in occlusal and lateral view (No. 733917).
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